ClixSense really does make sense. Depending on how you use it, it can make a lot of cents or just a little - it's really up to you. When I started to use it, all that I did was to use the PTC feature. I did alright, but certainly didn't generate all that I could. I occasionally tried to complete a survey but never had any success - I just never qualified for any of that I tried. So, I did the PTC for the day and moved on to another PTC site. Recently, I spent more time exploring the options and I'm glad that I did!
Most important, I received my first check (since rejoining ClixSense) in the mail today!
The best thing that I checked out is the "Daily Checklist Bonus."
From the site:
"In order to complete the Daily Checklist you need to:
- Click at least 6 PTC Adverts of any kind;
- Click at least 20 ClixGrid squares. The more you click the more chances you have to win ClixGrid prizes which will then be counted towards the bonus as well (for example as a Premium member, if you earn the $10.00 prize you could earn an extra of up to $1.60 with the Daily Checklist bonus at the end of the day);
- Because
not everyone has offers or tasks available to do, and to give everyone a
chance, you are required to complete only one of the following:
- Complete at least 10 CrowdFlower Tasks; or *
- Complete at least 2 offers or surveys from the offers and surveys pages (except video offers); or *
- Complete at least 5 CrowdFlower Tasks and at least 1 offer or survey from the offers and surveys pages (except video offers); *
- Visit at least one page of our forum. Posting is not required."