Saturday, October 14, 2017

Bitcoin Income Limited

UPDATE 10/22/17: It appears to be a SCAM. I will continue to monitor it, but as of today, I am not even able to access the site.

I have to admit - this is a new path for me... I'm kind of tired of repeatedly clicking/browsing/reading/watching various sites to earn some Bitcoin - every 5 minutes here; once every hour there; daily clicks on 'this site'; 5 videos on 'that site...

Don't interpret that incorrectly. I like and appreciate the ability to earn some Bitcoin through various sites and options - I'm not complaining - but, wouldn't it be great if I could earn some Bitcoin without having to do any repetative actions?!? Why not let the Bitcoins do the work for me?

Today, the day after Friday the 13th, I jumped into the 'deep end'! I decided to invest in Bitcoin Income Limited! Actually, the risk was rather minimal. None of the investment came out of my pocket. I deposited a total of 0.013 bitcoins (which, as of 10/14/17, is worth $75.62) from an account that I opened through lets you 'roll' for Bitcoin once per hour. I used a portion of the Bitcoins that I have raised by using that! So, for no cost other than my multi-tasking time, I have launched my Bitcoin Income Limited!

My plan is to update this post as things progress...

Sunday, October 8, 2017

May not be fast, but it is Free

I really like I like that it works in multiple ways. The primary feature is that every hour you can "roll" for bitcoins. In addition to the bitcoins, you are also getting 'lottery tickets' and 'reward points' for each roll. The best thing - in my opinion - is that you also earn interest on the bitcoins in your account. From the site: "Daily interest will be calculated at a random time everyday @ 0.0109589% per day and rounded down to the nearest satoshi." You can also deposit bitcoins that you earn from other sites into your account.